Do you struggle to stay in one job for a prolonged period of time? Is your resume dominated with short-term stints? Do you worry that you’ll never find a job that pays a decent wage? You are not alone.
Job hopping is on the rise. Survey revealed that roughly a quarter of the American workforce have already had five or more jobs before they turn 35. While job-hopping may have lost some of its original stigma, frequent job changes may cast you an unfavorable light.
If you’re craving a stable, long-term position, then we urge you to read on. Here are 7 steps you need to take to stop job hunting once and for all and find career fulfillment.
Optimize your resume
Jumping from one venture to the next tells potential employers that you aren’t willing to commit. You can be regarded as a quitter or someone who gets fired often. Since most resumes list education, achievements and experiences chronologically, it draws attention to employment dates, which puts you at a disadvantage. Divert attention to your skill rather than your tenure.
Show hiring managers and recruiters you know your stuff by drawing attention to your achievements, abilities, and skills as opposed to your employment dates. The goal is to bring the focus away from you being a risk to hire. Your resume is like your 30-second commercial. You need to impress potential employers enough that they’d want to meet the person behind the resume.
Look before you leap
Most people aren’t afraid to change jobs. They are willing to explore and pursue positions with other companies. The problem with most job hoppers is that they don’t know what they want. They simply leap without looking – out of frustration, out of fear, out of panic. Over time, this pattern can hurt your career advancement opportunities with a history of job hopping.
It’s time to do some careful planning to make sure you get the results you actually want. No more guessing. No more grand leaps of faith. To stop the cycle, you need to figure out what you want and start making decisions based on where you want to be. Your situation will never improve if you don’t slow down, think, and figure out the right move for your career.
Find work that inspires you
As the saying goes, “Do work that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. The key to achieving career satisfaction is to choose a job that you are passionate about or at least something you enjoy doing.
If you are looking for a job right now, then it may be time to take a hard look at your motivations, core talents, and personality. Start by making a list of your strengths and weaknesses, past and present hobbies, activities you participated in, as well as your priorities. Make sure that you choose an occupation that fits your interest, personality type, and values.
The goal is to find a job that inspires you, where you will no longer be anxious on a Sunday afternoon our count down the minutes until 5:00pm. Once you find a work that inspires you, only then will you experience long-term success and happiness.
Make learning a key objective
According to a survey that was conducted by The Ladders, a company that provides professional growth and helps employees gain new skills enables people to switch jobs. By working at a number of different companies and taking on different positions, you’ll have the opportunity to learn new skills and experience different techniques and process. All of these will contribute to your career success in the long run.
Make learning a key object. Learning new skills will help you stay relevant in a changing landscape. That means, you won’t get left behind as innovation changes ways of working. Also, having a broader skillset is essential to maintain your marketability and ensure your future career success. Soak up knowledge, take on new challenges, and build your competencies.
Chase the dream, not the money
Job hopping can be an easy path to a higher salary. Studies suggest that job switchers saw roughly 30% larger pay increase than those who stayed put over the years. Let’s be honest. Who doesn’t want to increase their income?
A lot of employees quit their jobs for more lucrative positions elsewhere. The problem is that many of them leap at the first potentially good opportunity, only to realize that it isn’t what they hoped for. As a result, they find themselves filled with anxiety and right back where they started. It’s a vicious, painful cycle.
If you keep jumping for money, then you will never feel fulfilled or satisfied. We’re not saying you should forget the money, but you should focus on your dreams instead. Working towards a dream feels much better. And as you hit each milestone, it gives you a sense of meaning that no amount of money can give you.
Follow the two-year rule
For an average employee, it takes about 6 months before they’re truly up and running in a position. Then, it takes about another year before you can be truly productive and add value to the company. If you job hop too often, chances are you won’t be able to learn or gain much experience.
Ideally, you should stay at each job for a minimum of two years. Changing jobs can affect your career in a negative manner. Hang in there long enough so that you can at least say that you gained valuable experience and learned a new skill sets.
If you decide to quit, focus on finding the right job and working environment. The last thing you want is to repeat the same mistake you made last time and work in a nightmare job. Find a job that suits you and a company that you can truly call home.
Final thoughts
Gone are the days when employees stay in their jobs for decades. In fact, a lot of workers do not plan on staying in their jobs for a prolonged period of time. They jump from company to company, hoping to increase their salary, broaden their portfolio of work experience, and quicken the time it takes for career development.
While there are some benefits to job hopping, you may find yourself sliding slowly backwards if you remain a job hopper for a prolonged period of time. You’re always playing catch up, trying to learn the ropes and figuring out the next step in your career. Eventually, you’ll find yourself in a perpetual state of transition, never really settled.
It’s time to stop the vicious cycle of job hopping. You deserve career fulfillment, and yes, it’s possible. Find out more by contacting us here to reserve time to discuss your unique situation”.