Like all social media, LinkedIn can help you, hurt you or have no effect at all. Used the right way , LinkedIn is an essential part of your professional brand and consequently has a direct effect on your career – one way or the other. This is where people you meet or are about to meet will check you out …
Active Executive Listening on the Front-Line
The higher up you go in an organization, the harder it is to stay in touch with what’s really happening on the front lines. And the bad news—if you hear it at all—is presented only in the best possible light. How do you get the real truth about what’s happening out in the field? How do you stay connected to …
Successful Steps to Fearless Mondays!
Those first few hours after a Colorado weekend are critical. Start your week off right. Monday mornings are the most critical time of the workweek, as they set the stage for the day and week ahead. “Because you’ve stepped away for a couple days, these back-to-work mornings are the most memorable for the rest of the week,” says Lynn Taylor, …
Friday tips – for starting Monday right
Instead of just waiting for the work week to end, use those last few hours and these tips to make next week start out fantastic. Most people get excited that Friday is here, especially if the week has been hectic and packed. But often Fridays can seem like a waste (especially before holidays). Your brain, in anticipation of the time off, …
Leader… or Boss?
The distinction between being a boss and being a leader may seem small, but it means the world to the people who work for you. Being the boss does not necessarily mean you are leading. Here is a list of 10 characteristics that will help you determine if you are having a positive impact on your employees. A Boss: knows …
Connect – Without Seeming Self-Serving.
Admit it. You cringe a little whenever you receive an email from someone you know that starts with: “I was just thinking of you and hope you’re doing well,” because 99 percent of the time, the next paragraph will include some sort of request: for help, for a referral, for business, for something. The same is true when you receive an …
Recruiter Survey – Worst and Best Resume Words!
This survey of 2,000 recruiters reveals the most despised – and the most liked words found in their applicant’s resumes. But out of the survey comes golden advice… The company surveyed 2,201 hiring managers and HR people to come up with the best of the best and the worst of the worst. “I’m a real go-getter who always thinks outside …
Transferable Skills Every Leader Needs
Every sector or profession comes with its own set of demands but when it comes to management there are certain skills and character traits that are always transferable. Whether you look at a successful leader in manufacturing or in the service industry, you will see that they share very similar skills. Our career advisors and executive coaches in Denver have compiled …
Left Hand Brewing calls an ‘Audible’ on Manning!
Peyton Manning’s postgame beverage of choice, Bud Light, has received a good-natured penalty flag from the clever folks at Left Hand Brewing. After Manning professed his desire for the macrobrew in a post-game interview upon beating the Chargers, the folks at the Longmont independent craft brewery delivered a care package to Sports Authority Field at Mile High: three cases of Left …
One Original Killer Resume!
Here is a killer example of a video ‘resume’ that totally makes the candidate, Eric Hanson stand apart from the pack of candidates! Enjoy… ‘Backpacker Magazine Gear Tester’ from Eric Hanson
Your Brand and the Office Holiday Party…
Will there be an open bar? Do I have to go? Can I bring my significant other? A few of the above questions may be dancing in your head when you receive the invite to your organization’s holiday party. These are reasonable questions — but if you want to use the events this month to advance your career, your primary …
Brand Fails that Stall Careers
Whatever you want to call the business of being yourself, chances are you’ve already taken steps to enhance your individual brand. There’s no shortage of “how to brand yourself” advice on the web, and most of it boils down to this: Put yourself out there—online and in person. So why aren’t more of us branding gurus by now? Sure, you’ve …
Tempted to Apply for Multiple Jobs at the Same Company?
When you’re excited about a company, it’s natural to want to apply to several different positions there. But job hunters might be worried about the impression it gives off. If you’re wondering if it reeks of desperation, the answer is . . . it depends. Applying for different positions in the company works if you are truly qualified for the …
Things NOT to share at work!
There are some things we shouldn’t tell anyone at work. Sharing the ‘wrong’ things with co-workers can quickly backfire and leave us exposed, vulnerable or side-lined. While some banter with colleagues is great it is important to know where to draw the line. Like most of us, I have definitely been there. We usually get an immediate sense for when …
Influencing others, the fundementals
In his post, Depaak Chopra M.D. gets to the core of how to influence others. Its a key career (and life) skill with these fundemental, yet often ignored truths. There’s an art to persuasion that begins with a few simple rules. The first comes from Benjamin Franklin: “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” This would seem …